[PRL] Torture chamber, Weds at 11:45

Aaron Turon turon at ccs.neu.edu
Sat Oct 9 20:12:36 EDT 2010

We will be holding a torture chamber for Stevie's DLS talk during the
normal PL seminar slot: Wednesday 10/13 at 11:45 in WVH366.

Contracts for First-Class Classes

First-class classes add expressive power to class-based
object-oriented languages. Most importantly, programmers can abstract
over common scenarios with first-class classes.  When it comes to
behavioral software contracts, however, first-class classes pose
significant challenges.  In this paper, we present the first contract
system for a programming language with first-class classes. The design
has been implemented for Racket, which supports first-class classes
and which implements mixins and traits as syntactic sugar. We expect
that our experience also applies to languages with native mixins
and/or traits.


Joint work with Matthias Felleisen, natürlich.

Note that we *also* have a visiting speaker this week, Michael
Clarkson, Thursday at 3pm.

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