[Pl-seminar] PRL Seminar: Friday 9/22 - Chris Martens

Luna Phipps-Costin phipps-costin.l at northeastern.edu
Tue Sep 19 16:31:26 EDT 2023

Hi all -

Our seminar at PRL will be starting this Friday:

    Time: 12:00 – 1:30PM, Friday Sept. 22
    Place: Forsyth 237
    Presenter: Chris Martens
    Title: Substructural logics and their computational content
    Abstract: In the standard relationship between proofs and programs, a typing judgment G |- e : A (expression e has type A under a context of variable-bindings G) corresponds to a proof (witnessed by e) of the proposition A under a set of assumptions G. Typically, we reason about contexts as “sets”, which permits us to use a variable from anywhere inside the context, use variables more than once, or ignore them entirely. Substructural logics, and by extension substructurally-typed programs, reject one or more of these so-called structural laws. A common example is linear logic, which permits exchange (reordering assumptions) but not weakening (ignoring an assumption) or contraction (duplicating an assumption), leading to a logic suitable for describing “ephemeral truth” or resource exchange (e.g., the foundation of Rust’s system of reasoning about pointer manipulation). In this talk, I will provide an overview of substructural logics and explain the computational phenomena they model, including topics of active research investigation.

We hold lunch from 12 to 12:30, and then the talk is from 12:30 to 1:30.   Chris Martens has a website at convivial.tools<https://www.convivial.tools/>.

Hope to see you there!
Overview - Chris Martens<https://www.convivial.tools/>
I am an Associate Professor at Northeastern University, 50/50 cross-appointed between the CAMD Art + Design Department and the Khoury College of Computer Science. I direct the Principles of Expressive Machines (POEM) research group in trying to understand and build tools that foster human creativity, self-expression, and liberation. We rely on, and contribute to, two

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