[PL-sem-jr] Poll (please, vote!) and Canceled Meeting on March 16

Julia Belyakova julbinb at gmail.com
Sat Mar 14 16:23:26 EDT 2020

Hello, juniors!

We hope you are doing well and staying safe.

1) If you haven't done so, please, vote in the Agda vs Category Theory poll:

> https://forms.gle/xJMgS3SKQH7uGKwL7 <https://forms.gle/xJMgS3SKQH7uGKwL7>

There are at least 2 people who did not cast their votes (not counting
Ming-Ho :)).

We really-really need your votes to decide how to proceed: so far, it is a
tie. Ming-Ho is very welcome to weigh in!

2) Due to the COVID-19 situation and the absence of the topic winner, the
meeting on March 16 is canceled.

Like the rest of the university, we will be moving online afterward (same
day, same time).

We are thinking of either Google Hangouts or Microsoft Teams. Teams seem to
have more persistence but Google sometimes worked better for us in the
past. If you have a preference or can share experience about either of
those, please, let us know in reply to this email. We have a poll for this

> https://forms.gle/8JRS9Yjdo2D29wZL8

Stay healthy!

Kind regards, Artem&Julia
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