[PL-sem-jr] Meeting Mar 9th and Yet Another Poll

Artem Pelenitsyn a.pelenitsyn at gmail.com
Mon Mar 9 11:28:01 EDT 2020

Dear all,

This last meeting we:

- listened to ~2/3 of the POPL talk on Incorrectness logic,

- dove into Condorcet voting a little bit and decided to follow up with yet
another poll to chose the topic between the two main contenders, Agda and
Category Theory; so, here is yet another poll for you

> https://forms.gle/xJMgS3SKQH7uGKwL7

Please, vote ASAP and we will see if we can settle on something before the
next meeting on March 16th.

Kind regards,
Artem & Julia
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