[PL-sem-jr] (Online) Meeting This Monday (March 23rd)

Artem Pelenitsyn a.pelenitsyn at gmail.com
Sun Mar 22 14:35:38 EDT 2020

Dear all,

The latest poll on the topics (Agda vs Cats) has been closed. By a narrow
margin, Cats won.

I propose we meet online this Monday, usual time (9:30 am) to discuss our
plans. I created the event on my (Husky) Google Calendar:


And the corresponding video conferencing room:
(Apologies to anyone who doesn't like Google.Hangouts, but it seemed to
work fine for some of us in the past. We can change it anytime if you wish.)

As I mentioned before, my favorite source is *Awodey's book* ([CiteSeerX
On the meeting, we could discuss exercises for the first (several?)
chapters of this or any other book you'd prefer. I assume many of us have
some idea about basic concepts of Cats, so I thought we could fast-forward
at the very beginning. But we could go slower if you prefer.

Best regards,
Artem & Julia
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