[PL-sem-jr] Rescheduling + May 31 meeting + paper critique session

Ming-Ho Yee yee.mi at husky.neu.edu
Wed May 30 16:38:35 EDT 2018

Reminder: we're meeting tomorrow at *2pm* in *WVH 362*.

As I mentioned in the other email, the paper critique session will be
Wednesday next week, at 3pm in WVH 366. Our regular meeting on Thursday
will be cancelled.

The week after that, our regular meetings will follow the new schedule:
Thursdays at 4pm in Ryder 128.

On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 3:56 PM, Ming-Ho Yee <yee.mi at husky.neu.edu> wrote:

> First of all, there has been a request to reschedule our weekly meetings.
> Please update your availability here: https://www.when2meet.com/?
> 6883534-b55N4 .
> Next week's meeting will be on the old schedule, i.e. *Thursday, May 31st*
> at *2pm* in *WVH 362*. We'll continue working through Logical Foundations
> [1]. Work at whatever pace is most comfortable for you; we'll use the
> meeting to work on exercises and discuss solutions.
> The week after, we'll critique Ben Chung's ECOOP paper. See [2] for
> details. Time and room TBD, so please fill out the second poll:
> https://www.when2meet.com/?6918406-lXGKl
> I will send updates when Ben's paper is ready and rooms are booked (both
> for the paper critique session and the new schedule).
> [1] https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/current/lf-current/deps.html
> [2] http://lists.ccs.neu.edu/pipermail/pl-sem-jr/2018-May/000743.html
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