[PL-sem-jr] Upcoming talks

Richard Cobbe cobbe at ccs.neu.edu
Fri Mar 10 13:01:35 EST 2006

Since it's spring break, we do *not* have a talk scheduled for today.

Upcoming Talks
    3/17: Alec Heller on Universal Algebra (but see below)
    3/24: Jesse Tov & Dimitri Vardoulakis on GADTs
    3/31: Dale Vaillancourt & Theo Skotiniotis: A Survey of Contracts

NOTE: Alec's talk on universal algebra is currently scheduled for 3/17.
However, this is also the PhD open house weekend, and PL Jr is scheduled
right during faculty research overviews upstairs in 366.  I haven't yet
talked to Alec about this, but we will almost certainly need to
reschedule.  I'll send out updates as we get them.

(Yes, I know, listening to the same old faculty research summaries is
far less interesting than PL Jr.  But we need to be there to make a good
impression on the prospectives.)

Richard, who just hopes that Donghui doesn't have that really scary
picture of Betty Salzburg this year....

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