[PL-sem-jr] Upcoming Talks

Richard Cobbe cobbe at ccs.neu.edu
Wed Mar 1 15:46:03 EST 2006

PL Seminar, Jr.
Friday, March 3, 2006
1:30 - 3:30
WVH 166

Ryan Culpepper will give a presentation on categorical semantics.

Upcoming Talks
  3/10:     spring break (no talk)
  3/17:     Alec Heller on GADTs
  3/24:     Jesse Tov & Dimitri Vardoulakis on a topic to be determined

Note on 3/17 and 3/24: Alex and Jesse informed me that they had either
switched dates or switched topics, but I don't remember which.  Expect

(As a general note, if you tell me in person that you're going to change
your topic or date, I'm liable to forget.  If at all possible, send me
an email in either of those cases.  Thanks!)


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