[Larceny-users] recursive lists and C-c problems

William D Clinger will at ccs.neu.edu
Mon Dec 8 22:42:10 EST 2008

Marco Maggi wrote:
> >v0.97b1 is newer and should have fewer bugs.
> Is it also still open to very small non-language
> related changes?


> Fine. But is there a switch that makes larceny print
> some non-infinite output in
> R6RS-compatible-mode-for-everything-else?

No, but there should be.  I'm waiting to see what
happens with SRFI 38 and SRFI 97.

> It would suffice to have a command line switch that
> makes the process exit whenever an exception is not
> blocked.

For what purpose(s) would that suffice?  If by
"exception" you mean an R6RS exception, then it
seems to me you could do that yourself by installing
a handler.  Furthermore that seems like the only
portable way to do it; you can't count on all
implementations	of the R6RS having exactly the
same set of random extensions to the language.


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