[Cs5500] Karan Bhat is new manager starting tomorrow

karan at ccs.neu.edu karan at ccs.neu.edu
Wed Nov 16 13:15:11 EST 2011

Thankyou Professor, I am glad to take the responsibility. Sandeep and Madhu have done a great job and I have big shoes to fit in now.

I am sending you the config file for the MMG Playground as requested, please let me know if this works fine with the game you wan t the undergrads to play.

High priority tasks
Agreement protocols need to be fixed
kickout scope issue

How to effectively maintain and update latest code
Alex cleanup suggestion
MMG playground testing by the ENTIRE grad class

Team Knight (in-charge of testing MMG Playground) and I are meeting up today to discuss and fix any  MMG issues so that we are able to run an warm-up match tomorrow. 

I will be sending out a consolidated mail stating tasks assigned to teams and asking status updates. Going forward this will be a daily task since we are in a very critical deployment stage. I expect all teams to at least call me if not mail and let me know the status.

Karan Bhat

----- Original Message -----
From: "Karl Lieberherr" <lieber at ccs.neu.edu>
To: "Managing Software Development" <cs5500 at lists.ccs.neu.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 10:48:36 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: [Cs5500] Karan Bhat is new manager starting tomorrow

Karan Bhat is the new manager starting tomorrow. I would like to thank
Sandeep for
playing the role for several weeks. During his tenure, the project has
taken unexpected turns thanks to the interaction with users. Several
subprojects have been started to consolidate
our software that is going to be the home of thousands of avatars.

Sandeep has assumed responsibility for the very useful code generation
project described below.
I wish him success with the analysis/design/implementation of this project.

Please let the information flow to Karan and me so that we can
effectively coordinate
all the activities.

-- Karl

Our undergraduates have written JUnit tests with great effort
for the functions of the avatar. This code is repetitive from
playground to playground.

We need to generate this code for them because we want to make it
very easy for Avatar Designers to test their avatars and the
playground designers to test their baby avatars.

Playground design

An executable Java program that runs JUnit tests
for the 4 avatar methods of the baby avatar.

The playground designer can use the tests to debug the baby avatar.

-- Karl

public SolutionI solve(SolveRequest solveRequest);
solve tested by
InstanceI SolveRequest.getInstance()
Instance.valid(SolutionI solution, Config config)

public List<Claim> propose(List<Claim> forbiddenClaims);
propose tested by
InstanceSetI.valid(Config config)
InstanceSetI Claim getInstanceSet()

public InstanceI provide(Claim claimToBeProvided);
provide tested by
InstanceSetI.belongsTo(InstanceI instance)

public List<OpposeAction> oppose(List<Claim> claimsToBeOpposed);
oppose tested by
This method will be tested by a tournament.
Make sure that the outgoing list has the same length
as the incoming list.

public List<Claim> propose(List<Claim> forbiddenClaims);
public List<OpposeAction> oppose(List<Claim> claimsToBeOpposed);
public InstanceI provide(Claim claimToBeProvided);
public SolutionI solve(SolveRequest solveRequest);

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