[Cs5500] Fwd: [CS4800] Late Registration

Karl Lieberherr lieber at ccs.neu.edu
Tue Nov 15 07:48:42 EST 2011

Hi Madhu and Srinivas:

why was the size of the playground so big? What about those remnants?

Can we reduce the size or do we have to give them additional disk space?

-- Karl

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alex Metzger <asm at ccs.neu.edu>
Date: Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 10:11 PM
Subject: [CS4800] Late Registration
To: Karl Lieberherr <lieber at ccs.neu.edu>

Professor Lieberherr,

I was just attempting to join the tournament occurring right now but the
file size of the SCG playground quickly overwhelmed my CCIS disk quota.
Even after doing an 'rm -rf *' in my home directory, some files still did
not transfer. As a result, the avatar that myself and Eric Franco prepared
was unable to connect to the server in time for the 10pm deadline. We were
about 45 seconds late. Does this mean we will incur some large penalty in
our grade? The file that was distributed to me was quite large and had many
remnants of prior builds and svn data that made upload slow. I am
frustrated that I did not upload the file sooner but I did not think that
this piece of software would be so large. Is there any possibility for us
to make up for the credit lost from being unable to participate in the
tournament? I have high hopes for Wednesday's tournament, but I am dismayed
that I was unable to participate tonight. Please let me know soon so that I
may take steps to remedy this situation.

Alex Metzger
asm at ccs.neu.edu
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