[Cs5500] Temporary Redirection

Karl Lieberherr lieber at ccs.neu.edu
Wed Nov 9 10:37:15 EST 2011

We need to put most of our resources into repairing the core game.
The exception is Mohinish: he continues with his AvatarPollingAdmin project
as planned. Final design due today.

All others get the following working asap:

See my previous message.

Team Navi and team Spartan implement a correct implementation of the HSR
This involves repairing ForAllExistsMin. This will be a temporary solution.
It also involves repairing all other issues to have a correct HSR
playground for the undergraduates.
Hopefully this is done tonight by 5pm.

Team Knight implements a correct implementation of the MMG playground.
This involves changing SCG Court and adding the strengthening feature from
project 5 and the new minOrMax feature.
As test case they use MMG but with ExistsForAll instead of ForAllExists. It
is then a minimization problem.

Team Dexter implements a correct implementation of the Generalized BFS
This involves changing SCG Court and adding the strengthening feature from
project 5 and the new minOrMax feature.
This is a minimization problem.

All this work starts from the current undergraduate branch that was
completed last night.
There will be a little duplication but that is well justified. Several of
you will repair SCG Court
in 3 different branches which we will then merge together.

Does this make sense?

Questions: see me or Ahmed.

-- Karl
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