[Cs5500] Fwd: Tournament results! - Success

Karl Lieberherr lieber at ccs.neu.edu
Fri Nov 4 06:35:31 EDT 2011

The first warm-up tournament has been carried out and it was a success in
my view.

4 avatars joined the teacher and they gave each other a workout.

The warm-up tournaments are about getting the basic mechanics right; you
are welcomed to participate in all but it is optional. You must participate
on Wednesday in the real tournament.

Now we need to come up with good names for your avatar. I have seen names
like Athena, Terminator, EasternWind, etc.

Send the name of your avatar along with the name or names of its care
takers to
"Ravishankar Rajagopal" <rajagopal.r at husky.neu.edu> and me.

Ravi will then post the table so that we all know who is behind the avatars.

-- Karl
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