[Cs5500] Grading your avatars

Karl Lieberherr lieber at ccs.neu.edu
Fri Nov 4 07:00:23 EDT 2011

The avatars "teach" each other and point out mistakes in their behaviors.
Some of the avatars
are excellent teachers to other avatars and they rarely make a mistake

The more your avatar is a teacher, the higher your grade for the avatar.
This will be reflected in the ranking of your avatar in the tournaments.

Note that you grade the other avatars and the other avatars grade you.

Your avatar will be graded as follows:

1. Average ranging of your avatar over the counting tournaments (probably 2
or 3). 60%
2. Algorithmic techniques that you put into the avatars. 20%
3. Readability and modular organization of your avatar. 20%

Because of the effort that goes into writing a surviving avatar, this
homework will count twice as
much as the other paper and pencil homeworks.

What you submitted on Monday and Wednesday this week will NOT be graded
that code will live on in your avatar.

Note that the more modular your avatar the easier it will be to improve it
from tournament
to tournament.

Remember that for the tournaments we use a gentleman's agreement: Write
avatars with strong algorithms and not cheating avatars with weak
algorithms. If you find
a possibility to cheat, please send me email. Dennis has already done so.

-- Karl
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