[Cs5500] More questions - Homework 1

Madhuvanthi Balasubramanian balasubramanian.m at husky.neu.edu
Sun Sep 18 22:56:39 EDT 2011

Hello All,

         Could someone help us with the following issues?

1.      How is quality calculated in general ?

         In case of HSR, it is the ratio of the "claimed" highest rung to
the highest rung n.
         In CSP, it is the ratio of the number of variables assigned to the
maximum number of variables.
         I'm not sure how this compares to the MMG problem. Is the quality
measured by how close the claimed c is, to the maximum C ? In that case, the
SCG court is supposed to
         have an idea of the maximum C, which cannot be possible. So how do
we measure quality then?

2.      What's the deal with computing reputation in case of an agreement?

         There are 3 conditions that both Alice and Bob would have to
meet,in order to win/defend the agreement.
         But we are not clear on how this works.(Why would Bob have to
defend C,against Alice, to agree with Alice on C ?? )
         Could someone clear this up for us?

3.      We have assumed that in case of a refute, an instance is provided,
and in case of a strengthen, the current claim is strengthened with a better
value (new claim ). Is our
         understanding right?

4.       Let's say Alice makes a claim for C = 0.50, Bob strengthens it with
a value of 0.55. Now can Alice only defend her own claim, or strengthen
Bob's claim again? Even if she
         defends, how does she do it? Does she provide an instance for Bob,
for which he cannot provide a solution?

5.       Is there a document that details the different use-cases possible,
in terms of proposing and opposing?

Any help would be appreciated.

- Madhu
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