[Cs4800] CS 4800 Midterm

Karl Lieberherr lieber at ccs.neu.edu
Fri Feb 26 13:54:38 EST 2010

 To accomodate your concerns about the midterm, I will grade it according to
the following algorithm:

Two grades will be computed:

A. S = Sum of grades on 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

B. T = Sum of grades on 1, 3, 5 only.

     T = T * (100.0 / 55.0)   // Rescaling to 100%

Midterm grade = Max(S, T)

The reason for this grading policy is that questions 2 and 4 were
about Boolean formulas in conjunctive normal form  which serve as input to
Satisfiability Solvers. They are very widespread, as we discussed in class;
for example when you use Eclipse you use a Satisfiability solver.

You had only 10 days to learn about Boolean formulas. I apologize that this
has caused so much stress for you.
I did not expect that this would cause any unusual stress.

Boolean formulas and algorithms for manipulating them are fundamental to any
kind of logical reasoning and we will revisit this subject again.

We will also revisit data structures like priority queues,  Union-Find data
structure, etc., from chapter 3.

In separate message I will address the issue about a take-home final.

-- Karl
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