[Cs4800] Fwd:

Karl Lieberherr lieber at ccs.neu.edu
Thu Feb 25 08:32:54 EST 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Somone Secret <somone.secret at yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 6:02 PM
To: lieber at ccs.neu.edu

Wow. This email has reached a lot of people in a short time!

I have BCC'ed everyone so that Professor Lieberher doesn't know who has and
hasn't received it yet. All I'll say is the BCC list is quite large lol.

What can I say? I studied very hard, I spend all week and huge chunks of the
weekend on the homework, and I am given a midterm that is unfair and that
covers no relevant material from the course. That is life. C'est La Vie!!! I
guess Professor Lieberher just wants everyone to not do well or fair. And I
agree about the homework being worth too little. 20% is nothing compared to
how much it should be worth.

*Food For Thought*

Courses are meant to TEACH. So if you make the homeworks worth more, more
people will work harder on them and LEARN. Exams don't show learning; they
show how well somebody can parrot back information under pressure.

I am deeply upset by this course and the midterm but it is out of my hands.
I think we should have another exam as well and it should be a take home
exam. I honestly would do it all on my own too, I wouldn't collaborate with
a partner. I just need time to think things through. The algorithms I design
on the homeworks are made over the span of a few days, not in 10-15

Part of the problem is Professor Lieberher
1) Expects us to be as smart as him. I think he is absolutely brilliant  (I
think he said he went to Princeton for God's sake) but he has
to realize that we are at different levels.
2) Expects us to know material that we are not taught.

I feel sorry for people that try hard in this class and don't get it, it's
really not their fault, this is difficult stuff.

I also wonder if anybody has seen him about Pass/Fail yet lol

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