[scponly] scponly users can still use port forwarding

Benjamin Donnachie benjamin at py-soft.co.uk
Wed May 10 04:42:40 EDT 2006

Steven Mocking wrote:
> Hence my question: is there a way to restrict ssh port forwarding to a
> specific group of users? Or is running multiple ssh servers the only
> solution?

Take a look at the sshd match patch:

"Add "Match" keyword to sshd_config

This patch (against 4.3p2) extends sshd_config to support syntax such

AllowTcpForwarding no

Match Address 192.168.32.*,
        AllowTcpForwarding yes
        GatewayPorts no

Match User bar,baz
        AllowTcpForwarding yes

Match Host t*
        AllowTcpForwarding yes

The criteria currently supported by Match are "User [user
pattern-list]", "Group [group pattern]", "Address [address
pattern-list]" and "Host [host pattern-list]".  Multiple criteria may
be specified on a single Match line, if so all criteria must match
before the Match block takes effect (ie it is a logical AND).

The directives supported inside a "Match" block are:
AcceptEnv, AllowTcpForwarding, AuthorizedKeysFile, AuthorizedKeysFile2,
Banner, ChallengeResponseAuthentication,
ChallengeResponseAuthentication, ClientAliveCountMax,
ClientAliveInterval, GatewayPorts, GssAuthentication, GssCleanupCreds,
HostbasedAuthentication, HostbasedUsesNameFromPacketOnly, IgnoreRhosts,
IgnoreUserKnownHosts, KbdInteractiveAuthentication,
KerberosAuthentication, KerberosGetAFSToken, KerberosOrLocalPasswd,
KerberosTicketCleanup, LogFacility, LogLevel, LoginGraceTime,
MaxAuthTries, PasswordAuthentication, PermitEmptyPasswd,
PermitRootLogin, PermitTunnel, PermitUserEnvironment, PrintLastLog,
PrintMotd, PubkeyAuthentication, PubkeyAuthentication,
RSAAuthentication, RhostsRSAAuthentication, StrictModes, UseLogin,
UsePAM, X11DisplayOffset, X11Forwarding, X11UseLocalhost,
XAuthLocation.  Only a (small) subset of these have been tested."


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