[scponly] scponly users can still use port forwarding

Steven Mocking mocking at textkernel.nl
Tue May 9 17:19:03 EDT 2006

Apparently, it's still possible for a client to do port forwarding on a
scponly ssh session:

ssh -N -L 9999:host.on.intranet:port scponly at host.on.internet

Which means a remote scponly user could forward connections to any other
systems accessible from the server with scponly. This is not specific
for scponly - any user with an existing shell entry in /etc/passwd can
do this (even /bin/false!).

Hence my question: is there a way to restrict ssh port forwarding to a
specific group of users? Or is running multiple ssh servers the only

Furthermore, it might be a good idea to mention this in the
documentation. Most people could get away with setting the sshd's
AllowTcpForwarding to "no" anyway (it's set to "yes" by default).


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