[scponly] scpjailer woes

Tony J. White tjw at webteam.net
Wed Jan 21 14:47:27 EST 2004

> So far it works just fine with scp, but when I attempt to sftp to a
> chroot installed by scpjailer, I get the following error in my log
> files:
> failed: /usr/lib/sftp-server with error No such file or directory(2)

scpjailer puts the 'sftp-server' binary in DIR/bin and then creates a 
symbolic link to it in 'DIR/usr/libexec/' where most distros put it (I think).

Since, your distro expects sftp-server to be in /usr/lib/ instead, it errors

The quick solution is to add a symlink in the usr/lib directory of your
chroot dir.  Here's an example (using /home/scponly as DIR):

mkdir /home/scponly/usr/lib
ln -s /bin/sftp-server /home/scponly/usr/lib/

I'll look into how reliable it is to search the host system for the right
sftp-server before creating the link.  If this turns out to be problematic,
I'll just have the script install an extra symlink.

> Has anyone else succesfully run scpjailer with sftp?

Yes, I have.

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