[scponly] Re: Winscp and scponlyc

Tony J. White tjw at webteam.net
Mon Jan 12 15:42:05 EST 2004

> So, do I have to use some commands more to make this chroot-thing 
> work?

Yes, scponly comes with a setup_chroot.sh script that is usually invoked
by running 'make jail' from inside the scponly source directory.

That script prompts you for a new user to create on your system, and
sets up the new user and that users home directory by copying the 
necessary binaries and libraries from your system.

I've created an alternative to setup_chroot.sh called scpjailer.  It 
uses precompiled binaries for setting up a directory for chroot scponly.
It also doesn't require you to create a new user, but it can optionally.

See http://tjw.org/scpjailer/

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