[Tipz] Vim hiliting for MySQL, and more...

Kevin Falcone falcone at ccs.neu.edu
Sat May 24 00:25:21 EDT 2003

>>>>> "IL" == Ian Langworth <bass at ccs.neu.edu> writes:

IL> Here's a nifty alias I just added to my Zsh config:
IL>     [ "x$EDITOR" = "xvim" ] && \
IL>         alias mysql="EDITOR=\"vim -c ':set ft=sql'\" mysql"

IL> Now I can oogle at my angry fruit salad (i.e., syntax hiliting)
IL> when I use the \e command in the mysql client. 

I do this use vim's config file

au BufRead /tmp/sql* set ft=sql

IL> This can, of course, be extensible to any other client that calls
IL> out to an editor.

It lacks this ability, but I have similar rules for cvs, svn, and mutt
which achieve the same goal


"De gustibus non est disputandum."

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