[scponly] Migrating scponly Server

Ogden lists at darkstatic.com
Tue Mar 12 16:15:09 EDT 2013

Hi all,

scponly has worked like a charm for us over the years. We use it so that clients can SCP files over to us in a secure manner in an automated manner. 

The machine we are hosting these accounts on has to be shut down so what are the steps that are needed to be taken to migrate to another server? I ask as I know the clients will have to accept a new key, and since it's currently done automated, I will have to contact each one and make them accept this. Is there a way to have everything migrate over to a new machine so the client has to do nothing, not even accept the host key?

I have looked through the archives and could not find any suitable instructions to do this, unless I missed something. 

Thank you for any suggestions.


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