[scponly] Help me understand why the // syntax is useful ...

Arone Silimantia aronesimi at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 31 19:09:20 EST 2007

Currently my scponly users all have the exact same
home directory:


Which also happens to be the base of the chroot.  For
instance, /mnt/home/etc, /mnt/home/bin.

This all works fine - they do not have r/w access to
/mnt/home, only execute, so they can traverse through
to the directory they own and can write to.

However the downside is that they always have to
specify their directory in all operations.  Instead of
simply doing something nice like this:

scp file user at host:/

they always have to do:

scp file user at host:/user

Because their home dir is / (as far as chroot is
concerned) and they can't r/w that dir.

Everything works and makes sense.  Easy.


So, I decided to make everyones lives easier - no more
remembering to type in your username.  Instead of a
everyone having a home directory of:


Everyone will have their own home directories, in the
form of:


and so on.  Yay!

Except ... it doesn't seem to work.  For some reason,
I need to specify the users directory _anyway_.  For

# ssh user at host ls -asl /
total 0
ls: /: Permission denied

Or if I scp something:

# scp file user at host:/
scp: /file: Permission denied

Again, the home directory in the systems root
/etc/passwd file is /mnt/home/user, and the home
directory in the chroot /etc/passwd is also

Why do I still have to speficy the username ?  Is the
chdir that the documentation says // is doing just
broken ?

Or am I missing something ?

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