[scponly] won't someone _please_ think of the archives ? (scponly + unison + chroot)

Ensel Sharon user at dhp.com
Thu Sep 28 23:58:43 EDT 2006

Ok, so it turns out I'm not the only person that has wondered if unison
can be made to run in an scponly chroot with an incoming dir:




So ... obviously after three tries in two months, nobody is interested in
commenting to me about this, but for the sake of people googling two years
from now, can someone PLEASE confirm or deny that unison can be made to
work with an incoming chroot directory under scponly ?

At this point I really just want to know whether it is possible or not.



(rehash of my third posting on this topic follows, for those just tuning

I see on the web page and in the source that Unison works, and I further
see that there was a fix (relatively) recently added that fixes some HOME
variable issues.

However, I cannot get it to work.

scp, rsync, sftp, etc. - all work.

But Unison keeps trying to create .unison in the users home directory, as
defined by the underlying systems' /etc/passwd, but in reality the users
writeable directory is:


So I need Unison to create:


and not:


I see no way to do this from the unison command line.  Can anyone confirm
successful operation ?  Can anyone confirm successful operation in a
chroot with a incoming directory ?

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