[scponly] more subversion confusion ...

Kaleb Pederson kibab at icehouse.net
Thu Jun 8 22:38:37 EDT 2006

Sven is correct.  Some people will be using the svn+ssh "protocol" to access 
the server -- so they do need ssh access to the server.

I personally recommend that a subversion server be setup somewhere using the 
apache module and http(s).  Then all you need to enable is the svn-cli 
access.  So, for people developing a website, they would sftp their files up, 
and commit any changes by issuing a remote command. eg.:

ssh -t user at host 'svn ci -m "commit message" /path/to/svn/tree'.  This can 
actually be kind of annoying to the user for a couple of reasons:

1) They have to use the path to the whole tree every time (unless it happens 
to be their home directory)

2) Unless wildcard support is enabled, they must refer to each file 
individually rather than saying *.php, *.c, and so on.

Despite the drawbacks, I have it setup like the above and a number of people 
use it.  In my case, the common scenario is that users commit things to the 
repository from their own machine machine and then they issue an "svn update" 
command to pull things in (rather than having to sftp the files up).

I hope that clears things up.


On Thursday 08 June 2006 2:54 pm, Sven Hoexter wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 08, 2006 at 05:45:07PM -0400, Ensel Sharon wrote:
> > So, admittedly, I don't use subversion, and don't plan to.  Some of my
> > students are requesting it, though, and I want to support it.
> >
> > My question is, why does scponly support svnserve ?  It looks like
> > svnserve is a standalone server for subversion, along the lines of
> > running rsync with --server ... which is great, but why in the world
> > would I want to allow remote users to fire off the svn server, over ssh ?
> >
> > It seems like I would just want them to access the normal svn command,
> > over ssh, using scponly ...
> >
> > Can someone set me (conceptually) straight ?
> IIRC you can use svn with a uri starting with svn+ssh:// which will execute
> on the remote system svnserve and server all data through the ssh tunnel.
> This of cource requires you to be allowed to execute the svnserve program
> on the server.
> Cheers,
> Sven
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