[scponly] scponly 4.4 released

wby oblyr joe at sublimation.org
Mon Jan 30 18:28:32 EST 2006

Hi all, 

I've just released the latest (and predictably overdue) scponly 4.4 package.  I didnt get all the HP-UX issues 
reported, but I did address the more urgent optreset issue and some other minor issues.

scponly v4.4 - jan 30 2005

        fixes that hopefully improve the optarg compilation situation
                Christophe GRENIER <grenier at cgsecurity.org>
                Bryan ?\230stergaard <kloeri at gentoo.org>

        UNISON $HOME environment fix
                Martin Werthmoeller <mw at lw-systems.de>

        fixes to setup_chroot.sh/in
                Hideyuki KURASHINA <rushani at bl.mmtr.or.jp>

MD5 (scponly-4.4.tgz) = 4b9373d1a5a641184989cc18bb8fceb3

As is usually the case, I had to rework the submitted patches a little bit, if your name appears above, I'd really 
appreciate some validation of my interpretation of your patches.


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