[scponly] One failure condition with scponly shell

Higgins, Bobby G bobby.g.higgins at citigroup.com
Fri Feb 17 16:04:54 EST 2006

I am using scponly-4.6 on AIX 5.3 and have compiled with:
./configure     --prefix=/opt/scponly --disable-winscp-compat --enable-scp-compat --with-sftp-server=/usr/local/libexec/sftp-server --enable-rsync-compat --enable-chrooted-binary 
A user tusr4 was created with /opt/scponly/bin/scponly as their shell.
When I run
$  sftp  tusr4 at hostname
I am prompted for a password.  When the password is entered the session begins and the
sftp >
prompt appears.  Everything works correctly.
When I run:
$  scp  tusr4 at hostname:dos.txt DOS.TXT
I am prompted for a password.  When the password is entered the session begins, the file is transferred, and the session disconnects.  Everything works correctly.
When I run:
$  ssh tusr4 at hostname  ls  -la
I am prompted for a password.  When the password is entered correctly and the session disconnects.  Everything works correctly.
However, when I run:
$  ssh  tusr4 at hostname
I am prompted for a password.  When the password is enterec correctly the session hangs.  The only way I can get control of the session is to run a command in another window to kill the process that was initiated.
$  kill  `ps -ef | grep tusr4 | awk '$NF ==   <mailto:tusr4 at hostname> tusr4 at hostname {print $2}'`
This hanging session also leaves a process running on hostname.
$  ps -ef | grep ssh
    root 356576 262272   0 14:46:59      -  0:00 sshd: tusr4 [priv] 
   tusr4 381030 356576   0 14:47:03      -  0:00 sshd: tusr4 at pts/1
If I login as root and run:
#  kill  381030
The remote session receives a message:
Connection to hostname closed by remote host.
Connection to hostname closed.
When I turn on debugging with:
#  echo  1 > /etc/opt/scponly/debuglevel
The logging shows that the process did in fact exit.  The syslog file has the entry:
Feb 17 20:47:04 hostname auth|security:err|error scponly[352482]: incorrect number of args
                if (debuglevel)
                        syslog (LOG_ERR, "incorrect number of args");

How can this be corrected?
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