[scponly] how to chroot some users with scponly

ankush grover grover1711 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 6 04:38:15 EDT 2006

Hey friends,

I want to put some users in chroot jail and permitting them only sftp and
scp commands.

I downloaded rpm of scponly latest version 4.6 and added one user with its
shell as /usr/bin/scponly.

I cannot login into through user and everytime I get

WinSCP: this is end-of-file:0

But the problem is that when I logged into through gftp using SSH2 protocol
the user was able to move around means he was able to go into the different
directories like /var/ /opt etc.

What is want is to restrict some users to their home directories and give
them only scp and sftp commands ?

Please help me in configuring such a scenario.

I am using centos4.0 and want to implement the same of Fedora Core 3 also.

Thanks & Regards

Ankush Grover
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