[scponly] unable to rsync with rsync-enabled scponlyc - done.

Paul Hyder Paul.Hyder at noaa.gov
Thu Oct 27 19:45:34 EDT 2005

 > Well, I am not running a jail - just a plain freebsd system, not in a
> jail, with scponlyc running chrooted.

	The jail is just the configuration below the chroot point.
	Glad you found the path problem.

> It works now.  Somehow the path to rsync binary in the chroot was wrong
> for that user.  I created a new user from scratch, and it started working.
> related question:  does scponly support rdist out of the box (that is, I
> just put rdist6 binary in my (chroot)/usr/local/bin) or is it a more
> involved process ?

	Sorry, rdist is not one of the "out of the box" commands.
        If you add it (or find someone that has) it could be added as
	an option in a future release.
	   Paul Hyder

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