[scponly] scponly 4.1 is nigh

wby oblyr joe at sublimation.org
Fri Mar 18 03:56:28 EST 2005

Hi all, 

I wanted to let everyone know that the long-overdue scponly 4.1 will be 
released pretty much immediately.  I've incorporated fixes from the 
following people:

Jason Wies <jason at xc.net>
David Ramsden <david at hexstream.eu.org> 
Hideyuki KURASHINA <rushani at bl.mmtr.or.jp>  
Daniel Lorch <ml-daniel at lorch.cc> /
Markus Kolb <markus-122004 at tower-net.de>                     
Kaleb Pederson <kpederson at mail.ewu.edu>   
"Paul Hyder" <Paul.Hyder at noaa.gov>     

If you feel that you sent something and I missed it, please let me know.  
Note that not all submitted patches were accepted.

Thanks to everyone on this list for their invaluable time spent testing 
and helping patch scponly.  These contributions are invaluable!

thanks again,

ps - any thoughts on the following problem forwarded to me?  honestly i'm 
not sure how to address it yet...

----- Forwarded message  -----

Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2004 14:02:07 -0800
Subject: Add to your SCPOnly README

When chrooting:

If you change the scponly user uid or creds in anyway, you need to re-create
the pwd.db file.  Syslog from the server side will show a valid login using
/etc/master.passwd, however it looks like once the user gets chroot'ed
scponly now consults the <chroot>/etc/pwd.db and will bork out.  The client
in debug mode will see something like:

debug3: channel 0: will not send data after close
debug2: channel 0: obuf_empty delayed efd 6/(19)
unknown user <insert UID here>
debug2: channel 0: written 19 to efd 6
debug3: channel 0: will not send data after close

----- End forwarded message -----

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