[scponly] scponly and sftp-logging patch possible?

Mike Kriz Mike.Kriz at INFOCISION.COM
Thu Jul 28 09:55:16 EDT 2005

I am trying to find a way to provide an SFTP server, but I also need to
have verbose logging of all file transfers.  I have installed the
sftp-logging patch, and it works great, but only if the user's shell is
set to bash (or other system shells).  I would like to have these users
ideally chrooted with scponly as the shell, but still have the verbose
logs of all file transfers.


I am able to get a working chroot environment with scponlyc, however the
only log entries I get are logins and logouts.  I thought it might be an
issue with having a chroot, but I also get no logging with the non
chrooted version of scponly.  Anyone have any ideas?

I am running Gentoo Linux on x86.  My sshd_config sftp-logging section:


LogSftp yes

SftpLogfacility AUTH

SftpLogLevel VERBOSE

SftpUmask 022

SftpPermitChmod no

SftpPermitChown no





Mike Kriz
Systems Engineer
Infocision Management - Enterprise Systems


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