[scponly] why is it necessary to use sftplogging patch for umask?

Ralf Durkee rd at rd1.net
Fri Feb 25 17:29:47 EST 2005

At 01:33 PM 2/25/2005, Steven Sweet wrote:
>I looked through the archived messages and found the info about patching 
>the sftp-server with the sftplogging patch at sourceforge.   I'm a bit 
>confused by that though because it seems to be the scponly "shell" that 
>causes the problem.
>If I set up a user with login shell of /bin/bash and set the umask as 002 
>in their .bashrc, the files are created by sftp with the correct 
>permissions.  Its not until I change their login shell to 
>/usr/local/bin/scponly that their umask is not applied.

It's /bin/bash that's reading the .bashrc and setting the umask. You lose 
that functionality intentionally when you take away /bin/bash. We wouldn't 
want scponly reading .bashrc files and running shells commands, since the 
main point is not it give shell capability to the user.

>If the stock sftp-server component can correctly set the umask by itself,

The stock sftp-server component does not set the umask.  The patch 
mentioned is a patch to the sftp-server, not to scponly.

>why is that the piece that needs to be patched for scponly to be able to 
>set the umask?

-- Ralf Durkee, CISSP, GSEC, GCIH
Principal Consultant

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