[scponly] problems with scponly 3.8 on rh 7.3

nightowl nightowl at uk2.net
Wed Sep 24 20:13:51 EDT 2003

weird problem you have indeed.

Just FYI: Had a problem with WinSCP yesterday too - gave me errors about
"groups" and about "pwd" ... turning off the debugging solved it
though this was nowhere mentioned in the error messages... just have
to know it :)

GP> Yea, it's kinda frustrating.  I've got everything working now except for 
GP> SCP through WinSCP, which is what I wanted to set it up for in the first 
GP> place.  I've been able to set it up on a FreeBSD box with some pains but 
GP> all the functionality is there.  Every time I try to use WinSCP to scp 
GP> files to a directory I get a time out, and the connection is lost.

GP> ". Waiting for data timed out, asking user what to do.
GP> . Asking user:
GP> . Host hasn't answered for 15 seconds."

GP> I'm not sure what to try now.

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