[scponly] Re: Re: scponly Digest, Vol 9, Issue 15

Konrad Krzysztof Krasiński konrad at o5.pl
Thu Oct 2 00:44:54 EDT 2003

>I tested your version on Redhat 9

Yes, I should add that on RH9 (I use it mysef) scponly works, but NOT in chroot env.
I made once that scponly worked on my RH9, but scponlyc still won`t work.
On Slackware familly this was much easier to run.
What you can find on http://o5.pl/scponly-stuff/ was made for Slackware 9.0 (was tested on 8.0, 8.1 and should work on 9.1)
Also sftp patch may need little edit (sftp server strings probably are different on some platforms), but global idea should be the same.
Joe said that new scponly-3.9, when be born, should have this inside.

> but I had to change virtually every hard 
>coded path (/bin/grep and so on). I got the install script working by that. 

setup_chroot.sh - is the result of ./configure script, so it can be diffrent on other than Slackware 9.0 OS
Yes, I should modiffied the setup_chroot.sh.in, but I`m little busy and to lazy :)

>But, I cannot get a WinSCP session working without crashing. If I choose the 
>scponlyc shell for the particular user, WinSCP crashes with error 127 every 
>time the logged in user tries to copy any file. I cannot figure out what is 
>the problem, so I am going back to the deafult scponlyc setup script. The 
>group issue is annoying of course.

I think the reason of errors on RH 9, are some library differences (RH always has the newest)
Probably the ./configure script loses some *.lib files.

>Great that you tried to improve the install scripts, though. I think we need 
>to workl more on it so different platforms can use scponly more easy.

thx, Joe`s scponly is great, I just made little impro.
When I find some time I`ll try to find the sollution how to run this on RH9.

rgrds K.

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