[scponly] Problem with WinSCP Compatibility

Jody Steadman steadm_j at bellsouth.net
Wed Apr 2 20:09:08 EST 2003

I'm using RH8.0, patched to the latest and greatest via RedHat Network, and OpenSSH version 3.6.1p1. I followed the directions in the INSTALL, but I got the following error when doing a 'make jail'.

"this script requires the program useradd or pw to add your chrooted scponly user."

Being the adventurist, I commented out the if block that contained the error and the script created the directory for the user and copied the files with the exception of the following warning..

"usr/bin/install: cannot stat `/lib/ld.so': No such file or directory"

After the logging in, I get the following error message in WinSCP2.2

"Command groups failed with invalid input"

After logging in with WinSCP2.0, I get the following error message.

"Error looking up user groups. Format '%s' invalid or incompatible with argument"

In both versions, WinSCP will start after clicking ok for the error message. The directories are there and everything looks normal.

The following error message can be seen in /var/log/secure.

Apr  3 00:44:40 host [1421]: running: /usr/bin/groups (username: username(501), IP/port: 3184 22)
Apr  3 00:44:40 host [1422]: failed: /usr/bin/groups with error No such file or directory(2) (username: username(501), IP/port: 3184 22)

I checked the chroot environment and the file exists. Does anyone have any idea what is going on here?-------------- next part --------------
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