[PRL] PRL web pages woefully out of date

Mitchell Wand wand at ccs.neu.edu
Fri Sep 28 13:56:56 EDT 2007

The PRL web pages are woefully out of date.  For example:

-- the "People" section doesn't list the second year students, let alone our
first-year students
-- the "Projects" section still talks about David Lorenz
-- the "Publications" section seems to have last been updated in 2006.

The pages are date-stamped on 8/13/07, but I didn't offhand find any
information that new.

Can we get somebody (or a small group of people) to volunteer to update
these pages?

This is important, because the web page is the face we put forward to the
outside world, including prospective students, funding agencies, and donors.

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