[PRL] O'Reilly Radar > lift/scala for web apps

Mitchell Wand wand at ccs.neu.edu
Sat May 5 14:28:59 EDT 2007


Functional programming for MC, Actor models, Scala appear to be prominent on
the OReilly Radar, which is usually a reliable clue to the zeitgeist.
Witness the posting below.  --Mitch

lift/scala for web

Ben Bangert <http://groovie.org/> wrote on the O'Reilly editors mailing

Not to be left out in the "doing cool things on the web", is a fairly new
framework for Scala <http://www.scala-lang.org/> (another highly functional
language with some similar features to Erlang and Smalltalk) called
There's an interesting post by the
a twittr clone he claims can scale to handle twittr's traffic with
only 2 machines thanks to message persistence with the Actor based model.

The neat thing about the code examples shown is that they look substantially
easier to follow and maintain than code I've seen for Haskell, plus with
Scala you can use existing Java classes and libraries.


In followup discussion about the Java VM as a target for multithreaded
languages, Keith Fahlgren <http://kfahlgren.com/blog/> wrote: "The JVM is
steamrolling everything! Just ran across a JVM-backed GHC-based Haskell
translator <http://www.cs.rit.edu/%7Ebja8464/lambdavm/>. (via Philip
the guy who wrote our Java

As you may know if you've been following this blog, we're seeing an upsurge
in interest in functional programming languages, based in part on the rise
of multi-core and other parallel programming architectures. On that note, I
should mention this Wednesday's lecture in Dennis Allison's class at
Stanford <http://www.stanford.edu/class/ee380/>, Multi-core, Multiprocessor,
and Memory Hierarchies: An Application Developer's View of Next Generation
Systems Enablement<http://www.stanford.edu/class/ee380/Abstracts/070509.html>
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