[PRL] [From Olin:] Tumor o' Ice

Mitchell Wand wand at ccs.neu.edu
Wed Aug 16 16:57:36 EDT 2006

Subject: The tumor o' ice

I cleaned out the refrigerator in the little hallway that leads to
Karl's office. It is now defrosting. Once the ice block filling the
freezer has gone away, I will clean the thing out and turn it back on
(i.e., tomorrow).

- Several somewhat frightening tupperware containers containing scientific
  experiments gone badly wrong were cleaned out and put on the counter
  above the fridge.
- Things with a sell-by date occurring some time during the Clinton
  administration were tossed.
- Other things -- jam, yogurt, a block of cheese & a foil packet labelled
  "Greg" were moved to the refrigerator across the hall in 330. I'll toss
  what isn't claimed in a week.
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