[PRL] Of course our programming language can do this

Mitchell Wand wand at ccs.neu.edu
Wed Aug 2 17:23:51 EDT 2006

Well, syntax may not be a polite topic, but that doesn't make it
unimportant.  Remember, we are talking about programming **languages**.

Languages, as Matthias well knows, are distinct from core calculi, which can
be ugly as sin, so long as they can express the key meanings.  Languages are
meant for *people* (sorry about the asterisks) to write and to read.  If the
meaning of a program is disguised by layers of syntactic cruft, then it is
hard to understand, read, modify, or write

Languages must be able to express key abstractions, but they must also have
usable syntax for doing so.   Otherwise you the in S K and combinators as
might well write.


PS:  Here is that last sentence, in a language with somewhat clearer syntax:

Ubothuberwubise yubou mubight ubas wubell wrubite ubin thube wubS uband ubK

On 8/2/06, Matthias Felleisen <matthias at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
> Guys, I don't think syntax is a polite topic among PL researchers. If
> it doesn't demand a global transformation, it's okay.
> What does deserve consideration is what Joel is preaching: getting to
> know FP, for example, helps you exploit the full power of Java.
> -- Matthias
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