[PRL] AOP questions

Johan johan at ccs.neu.edu
Wed Mar 30 07:31:50 EST 2005

>> On Tue, 29 Mar 2005, John Clements wrote:
>>> 2) "Join Points": It appears to me that join points are not truly
>>> points, but are rather contiguous subsequences.  I say this
>>> because of the existence of things like "around" and "after"
>>> pcds, which don't make sense for a definition of join points as
>>> single points in a program's execution.  Is this fair?


I've always thought of joinpoints as representing subtrees of the
dynamic execution path.

What you do with these trees: splice in something at the root(s)
(around), fork another branch at the root (before/after), modify the
leaves (cflow and friends), is the advice. The point is that the jp is
the entire tree.   Misnomer due to historically focussing on static

The tree looking like a graph also got karl's brain thinking of more
precise / abstract / reusable ways of specifying said dynamic joinpoints.

(continued from end of email: introducing programming with come-from 
into the non-joking mainstream)

>>> This seems sad, to me, because abstraction as functional programmers
>>> understand it is all about modeling procedures as relations from
>>> inputs to outputs, not as sequences of execution states.  This model
>>> seems like a giant step backward from true abstraction back toward
>>> FORTRAN-style subroutines.  Am I just crazy?

If we're going to charge AOP with any backsliding, it would be towards

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