[PRL] emacs question

Eli Barzilay eli at barzilay.org
Thu Dec 30 21:45:18 EST 2004

On Dec 30, Dave Herman wrote:
> I'm getting good at replace-regexp now, but is there a good way to
> apply an arbitrary procedure to all matches of a regexp in an emacs
> buffer?  Preferably interactively.
> For example, I'd like to apply uppercase-region (or whatever) to all
> strings that match some regexp.

There is `query-replace-regexp-eval' that can do some of these things,
but it might be simpler to do it yourself -- the documentation for
`replace-regexp' will tell you that the equivalent code is:

  (while (re-search-forward REGEXP nil t)
    (replace-match TO-STRING nil nil))

so you can do something like:

  (while (re-search-forward REGEXP nil t)
    (replace-match (upcase (match-string 0)) nil nil))

but this will not be interactive like the above.

Personally, I find that easy access to keyboard macros is the best
solution for such things, especially if you combine it with advanced
things like regexp-replace.  For this particular thing I'd do this:

1. Search the buffer and make sure there are no occurrences of "<<<"
   or ">>>"

2. Do a standard query-replace-regexp and replace my pattern "\(...\)"
   with something like "<<<\0>>>", interactively choose only regions
   that I want to upcase.

3. Record a keyboard macro that:
   1. Searches for "<<<",
   2. Removes it,
   3. Searches for the following ">>>", the mark will be left at the
      previous location,
   4. Remove it too,
   5. Use the keybinding to do an upcase (usually C-x C-u).

This sounds a little complex, but it's really quite simple and quick,
and in many cases it is much faster than remembering arcane commands.

          ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x)))          Eli Barzilay:
                  http://www.barzilay.org/                 Maze is Life!

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