[PRL] Perl 6

Matthias Felleisen matthias at ccs.neu.edu
Wed Oct 1 16:16:11 EDT 2003

On Wednesday, October 1, 2003, at 03:05 PM, William D Clinger wrote:

>> Why do we always blame the others for such failures?
>> Isn't it us, the college professors, who don't stand up
>> in class and make sufficient fun of Java and C++ and C
>> and Fortran and colleagues who insist on being as far
>> behind as industry's state-of-the-art aka "fashionable"?
> There may be a few college professors who make too little
> fun of those languages, but I am quite sure that I am not
> one of them.  I rather suspect that I do too much of this.
> And if I insist on being far behind the state of the art
> in industry, it is because I am ignorant of how far the
> industrial state of the art has advanced beyond the things
> that I insist upon teaching.

I didn't say you were behind industry's state of the art.
I said there are professors who insist on being as far
behind as industry's state of the art (which I think is
far behind what enlightened faculty members know
and understand about software production).

-- Matthias

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