[Pl-seminar] Please VOTE: Is Montreal in New England?

Shriram Krishnamurthi shriram at gmail.com
Wed Nov 30 10:50:54 EST 2005

Stefan Monnier at the University of Montreal has kindly offered to
host a NEPLS.  Metaphorically, we can ask whether Montreal is in New
England; practically, we can ask whether you would attend.

Our farthest (from Boston) NEPLS was in Burlington, VT, and it drew a
decent attendance.  Montreal is a further 95 miles away.  Naturally,
it would be a summer NEPLS.



Within the next week, please email my assistant,

  ldr at cs.brown.edu (Lauren Relyea)

with one of the following three responses:

- Yes, I would attend [schedule permitting]

- No, there's no earthly way I would travel that far

- No, and I oppose having a NEPLS anywhere outside New England; we
  must cry halt to mission creep!



Please vote deliberately.  If you vote yes, it means you really,
honestly can conceive of yourself traveling to Montreal on, say, the
first Friday in June.  It means you will not get to mid-May and only
then look up where Montreal is, then realize you were insane to have
voted Yes, then make up an excuse.  It would be unfortunate if fifty
people said "yes" but only ten eventually attended (this is well
outside the normal bounds of "scheduling problems").


Please vote!  Your vote will count!


PS: No separatist jokes, please.  I bet Stefan has heard them all.

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