[PL-sem-jr] Plan for Semester

Andrew Wagner wagner.andr at northeastern.edu
Sun Oct 11 13:13:55 EDT 2020

Hi everyone,

Based on our meeting last Wednesday and the discussion in the #pl-sem-jr Slack channel, the topic for this semester will again be Category Theory. In the interest of catching everyone up, the first couple of sessions will be led by returning members who were working with the material last semester.

We will be working from Steve Awodey’s Category Theory book—if you need a PDF, just let me know. If you want to skim over anything before the first meeting, Chapter 1 would be a good place to start.

Starting this Weds, Oct 14 from 1:30–2:30p, we will be meeting roughly every other Wednesday. I’ll send out periodic reminders :)

Please reach out if you have any questions!

Take care,

Andrew Wagner
PhD Candidate, Computer Science
Khoury College @ Northeastern University
E: ahwagner at ccs.neu.edu<mailto:ahwagner at ccs.neu.edu>
Z: zoom.us/my/ahwagner
T: (347) 306-8926

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