[PL-sem-jr] Scheduling for the Fall

Andrew Wagner wagner.andr at northeastern.edu
Thu Oct 1 17:40:48 EDT 2020

Hi everyone,

Based on your feedback, the best time for us to meet is from 1:30–2:30p on Wednesdays. In general, we’ll only meet on weeks that PRL Reading Group isn’t meeting, since that group also meets on Wednesdays.

Our first meeting will be this upcoming Wednesday, Oct. 7 from 2–2:30p. It will be a shorter, organizational meeting: we’ll discuss potential topics, meeting format, etc. Please try to review the topic nominations<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ebmNyqLpMO6oOrh8MDGzssiCcfQCzXGjeqgDPXzRQWc/edit#gid=0> before Wednesday so that we’re all on the same page. Also, feel free to submit more topics!

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or comments. If you’re in the PRL Slack, make sure to join the #pl-sem-jr channel!


Andrew Wagner
PhD Candidate, Computer Science
Khoury College @ Northeastern University
E: ahwagner at ccs.neu.edu<mailto:ahwagner at ccs.neu.edu>
Z: zoom.us/my/ahwagner
T: (347) 306-8926

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