[PL-sem-jr] PL Junior initial announcement

Hyeyoung Shin shin.hy at husky.neu.edu
Tue Sep 11 11:59:33 EDT 2018

Hello juniors and seniors of prl,

We decided to learn about CPS in our next meeting. I pulled some strings
and was able to host a guest lecturer who is knowledgeable about CPS!

I am proudly announcing William Bowman as our first guest lecturer. William
is a senior student in our lab and agreed to give an informal lecture.

*When*: 3-4 pm Monday September 17
*Where*: WVH 366
*The outline of the lecture* :
1. What is CPS?
   Continuation-Passing style, and transformations from direct style in CPS.
2. Why CPS?
   - Making control-flow explicit
     Used in concurrent programming, such as GUI programming (call-backs are
   - Making evaluation order explicit
     Need to force evaluation to a value in CBN, or force CBN on a CBV
   - Internalize the evaluation context
     To express control effects internally in the language.
   - A translation that makes values and computation distinct.
     Bad news: code is not actually data.
2. Untyped CPS
   - "Plotkin's translation"
    - CBV
    - CBN
   - translating the evaluation context directly.
   - machine semantics
   - naturality
3. Typed CPS
   - value vs computation vs programs (and their types)
   - "Double negation"
   - Fixed answer type
     - Actually, this is double negation to.
   - Locally polymoprhic answer type
     - Actually, this is double negation to.

Also, we have a new home! Please check it out at https://github.com/PLJunior
and join the organization. You can find the schedule and links to papers we
want to read together. This way, we can keep track of what we are doing
each semester.

Plus, I propose that each of us take turns to write a summary of what we
are discussing during the meeting and push it to this repository at the end
of the meeting. It could be as simple as a list of pl concepts mentioned.
What do you think?

Seniors, I included you in this email because you are always welcome to
join us if the topic interests you or if you'd like to shed light on it. :)

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