[PL-sem-jr] May 17 (and this summer's plan)

Ming-Ho Yee yee.mi at husky.neu.edu
Wed May 16 15:27:12 EDT 2018

Reminder: we're meeting tomorrow at *2pm* in *WVH 362*.

On Thu, May 10, 2018 at 2:52 PM, Ming-Ho Yee <yee.mi at husky.neu.edu> wrote:

> We decided to work through Software Foundations [1] this summer. We'll be
> working through the core chapters of Volume 1 and Volume 2.
> The idea is to read the chapters and work on the exercises on our own, and
> then come to the meeting where we can discuss any interesting things or
> difficulties that came up. Then we'll decide what exercises to do for the
> next week, and start working on them.
> Another thing we'd like to do is "paper critique sessions." This will be
> similar to our practice talk tradition, except that we'll criticize
> writing. So if you'd like some feedback on your writing (even if you're not
> a Junior) let us know and we can look at it.
> So, to start things off: read the preface, chapter 1 (basics), and chapter
> 2 (induction), and work on the non-optional, non-advanced exercises.
> When: Thursdays at 2pm
> Where: WVH 362
> [1] https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/current/index.html
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