[Larceny-users] compiling using the twobit heap

Dimitris Vardoulakis dimvar at ccs.neu.edu
Sat Apr 25 17:28:35 EDT 2009

which file in the source code shows what happens when I type a
definition in the repl?
For example, I can type

> (define (id x) x)

> (procedure? id)

and a procedure is created which I can then call.
However, when I use the "assemble" and "compile" functions to compile
a lambda expression the result I get isn't a procedure (doesn't
satisfy procedure?).

> (define exp1 '(lambda (x) x))

> (define cexp1 (assemble (compile exp1)))

> (procedure? cexp1)

> cexp1
(#vu8(187 16 0 0 0 139 69 12 141 68 24 4 131 224 248 5 0 1 0 0 57 224
118 6 255 85 16 144 235 231 139 93 12 45 0 1 0 0 137 69 12 199 3 254
12 0 0 86 139 118 1 139 70 5 137 67 4 139 70 9 94 137 67 8 137 115 12
128 195 7 195)
 #((data #f)
     #vu8(131 251 4 116 17 199 69 44 4 0 0 0 255 149 0 2 0 0 144 144
235 234 137 203 195))
   (constantvector #((data #(#f #f 1 #f #f (x)))))))


So, what else is happening when I send sth to the repl directly, vs
calling "assemble" and "compile" myself?


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