[Larceny-users] Larceny basics

Dan Muresan danmbox at gmail.com
Sat Sep 1 15:30:11 EDT 2007

Felix wrote:

> The experiments you list all extend the run-time syntactic environment, 
> not the compile-time environment.  This means that they would have the 
> same problem as the one I described with my srfi-8 example.

Oh, I forgot... OK, I've tried compiling, but now I get a weird error, 
even for a simple srfi-8 test: "Error: environment-get-cell: denotes a 
macro: ...".

There are the 3 files, req.sch, xsrfi-8.sch and test.sch. The exercise 
is to get test.sch to compile and load correctly without ever explicitly 
loading xsrfi-8:

;; ---8x---
;; req.sch

(require 'srfi-1)

(define (read-file f)
   (define (read-stdin)
     (unfold-right eof-object? values (lambda (x) (read)) (read)))
   (with-input-from-file f read-stdin))

(define-syntax req-for-stx
   (syntax-rules ()
     ((_ file) (for-each macro-expand (read-file file)))))
;; ---8x---

;; ---8x---
;; xsrfi-8.sch

(define-syntax xreceive
   (syntax-rules ()
     ((_ formals expression body ...)
      (call-with-values (lambda () expression)
                        (lambda formals body ...)))))
;; ---8x---

;; ---8x---
;; test.sch

(req-for-stx "xsrfi-8.sch")

(define (successor x) (values x (+ x 1)))

(xreceive (y z) (successor 3)
   (display (list y z))
;; ---8x---

And here's what happens:

muresan at home:~$ larceny
Larceny v0.94 "Doomsday Device" (Jul  2 2007 07:53:36, 
larceny.heap, built on Mon Jul  2 08:04:08 EDT 2007

 > (load "req.sch")

 > (compile-file "test.sch")

muresan at home:~$ larceny
Larceny v0.94 "Doomsday Device" (Jul  2 2007 07:53:36, 
larceny.heap, built on Mon Jul  2 08:04:08 EDT 2007

 > (load "req.sch")

 > (load "test.fasl")

Error: environment-get-cell: denotes a macro: xreceive

> Maybe I misread your message where you described Chicken's 
> require-for-syntax.  Does Chicken's require-for-syntax extend the 
> syntactic environment at run-time, or at compile-time?

The compile-time environment:


(the Chicken wiki has moved around so much that Google doesn't index it 


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